Parasyte: The Grey

Parasyte: The Grey
Parasyte: The Grey
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For years, the original idea of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, which depicted aliens assuming human form and living among humanity, has been used countless times but remains fresh; it forms an ideal basis for exploring many different themes. The classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers was remade three times with each version addressing distinct sociopolitical issues. The Thing and They Live are very different John Carpenter masterpieces that have one common theme-alienation taking on a human form. It’s still possible to view the old concept amazingly well executed. And Parasyte: The Grey is done very well.

What a show this is! There are great characters, incredible action sequences, imaginative horror elements and a gripping plot featured in this Netflix sci-fi thriller. This novel wastes no time in getting started and begins with hard spiky shells falling from the sky each full of squirming baby alien caterpillars. Some land in the grass at a stadium size EDM festival in South Korea where they follow one slug-like alien as it enters into one drunk sleeping man’s ear. Soon he’s being controlled by the alien, and in a full crowd of people splits his head open letting loose lethal tentacles onto people standing around him.

From there we get introduced to Jeong Su-in who is our main character–she’s like someone that always has dark clouds hanging over them,. She’s gone through some shit but messed up people are survivors sometimes too. She’ll go through a lot more when an insane incel gets into an altercation with her at work right after she leaves her job stocking groceries and follows her home before running her off the road finally stabbing her repeatedly with a knife.. In half his body lengthwise he appears to be split down and Jeong survives unscathed. This series starts here.

Parasyte: The Grey skilfully introduces us to numerous characters in its first episode neatly sewing up all these diverse strands and setting up the show perfectly before episode two. We meet Seol Kang-woo, a low-level gangster who is on the run after attempting to kill the leader of a rival gang, returning home only to find his younger sister missing and his older sister acting coldly indifferent.

Meanwhile in Namil, the city Jeong lives in, we follow an aging detective. When Jeong was ten years old Kim Cheol-min was the detective that arrested her father and chose not to tell anyone about what had been happening with him beating her all the time. Now, he is interested in Jeong’s strange case where she was attacked by a maniac but somehow survived while that maniac was found cut down the middle. He’s protective, but he doesn’t know how to protect her.

It turns out that Jeong is possessed by an alien parasite but one unlike any of those other ones which are always killing people. The lady who had been stabbed several times lay dying in some field when this alien larva entered her head. Therefore Heidi (like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) must use all its strength to heal Jeong’s body or else it will die too and so it cannot entirely dominate her mind like it wants to.

An unusual mutation eventually results in her abductors Jeong’s parasite which would assume control of her life for a while but only when threatened. The first time they talk is really cool, where Jeong asks a question and then falls asleep only to wake up and find that Heidi has answered it.

The characters are all intriguing and well-crafted, while the actors do a great job (especially Koo Kyo-hwan as Seol) avoiding the clichéd melodramatics that sometimes happen in K-dramas (and sci-fi). This Train to Busan/Psychokinesis creator knows what he’s doing here, and understands his characters and the people portraying them very well.

One of those is Choi Jun-kyung, head of Team Gray, an anti-parasite squad that invades Namil because they think there are parasites there banded together. Too much into killing parasites is a happy woman who seems almost deranged with some dark personal issues, as we learn later on; this character is played by Lee Jung-hyun—“Queen of Transformation”—who can do anything literally.

In so doing Parasyte: The Grey sets up police force with its special unit Team Grey, parasitic organisms, as well as mutant Jeong. Many aliens-possessing-humans stories refuse to distinguish between the body snatchers intentionally (often all will be connected via telepathy and behave as if they were one single organism), but Parasite: The Grey enjoys creating distinction between the different types of parasites. For instance, these latter are not telekinetically connected except when using their ability to sense each other like radar; instead they have unique personalities which lead to divergent motives. In addition, their super powers differ from each other; hence resulting in varying monstrous appearances.

These are genuine spectacles: action scenes with parasites depict faces splitting apart with various appendages emerging out for assistance. Some of them use their tentacles to jump like The Hulk, somebody stretches her skin into wings to fly, and one of them unravels a very long tentacle with an eyeball at the end in order to peer around corners. At the point when two parasites fight for the first time is when Heidi shows up, it becomes downright exciting.

However, Parasyte: The Grey is already almost perfect as it gets even though familiarity with its source material may make one miss some themes and aspects. There are significant differences between “The Grey” and other iterations of Parasyte like the original manga/anime/live action; instead they are similar to death note or jujutsu Kaisen or my hero academia where teenagers find themselves in possession of powerful supernatural abilities. It’s nice to see Parasyte: The Grey taking a more grown-up approach for once. However, the adaptation does not capture all that well some philosophical issues addressed by its source material.

The greatest thing about Parasite was how it challenged our anthropocentric notion of reality and pushed us beyond what we considered life could be. We were reminded that humans were no different from parasites on earth and dismantled our tendency to view history through purely human eyes. Perhaps if something ever evolved here (or arrived from space), which is much more powerful and organized than we are in terms of being at the top of food chain we would remember that mankind is just one species within numerous others on this planet.

The philosophical, ethical and environmental aspects of the original manga are not touched upon in Parasyte: The Grey; it doesn’t matter because we can interpolate. Jeong and Heidi do become interesting (and strong) characters due to their symbiotic rather than parasitic destiny. It reminds one that domination and possession isn’t the only way of relating with other organisms. Sometimes, it is better for both parties involved to cooperate as the characters in Parasyte: The Grey, one of the best shows this year come to learn.

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