Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel
Ms. Marvel
Home » Ms. Marvel

A superhero that is a perfect fit for today’s teenagers obsessed with social media is what the Marvel Cinematic Universe has come up with. It would not be wrong to say that Ms. Marvel represents Snapchat-tinted MCU. For example, while dealing with strict parents and following her Islamic religion, our sixteen-year-old Pakistani-American heroine daydreams about cosplay conventions and cute boys. This comic book throws off the shackles of previous cultural representations of female adolescence.

I have never seen before a superhero praying in a mosque or mentioning her menstrual cycle for instance. Although there are many articles that highlight bells and whistles, at least two episodes show a lack of life force, thus killing the fun. You may think it’s so predictable because the story looks like it was created from a robotic formula.

Iman Vellani plays Kamala Khan who lives in Jersey City and could not care less about anyone except Captain Marvel herself. She draws cartoons all day long just to escape from school monotony. Yusuf (Mohan Kapur), her father wants to be cool dad whom she can talk with; contrary to him Muneeba (Zenobia Shroff) absolutely hates any kind of nonsense or bad behavior on behalf of their child.Most importantly, she can’t afford missing the first Avengers Con ever! Bruno (Matt Lintz), one friend who always dresses as Captain Marvel when they’re out together.

Only if Kamala were to accompany his father alone could they go together to Avenger Con according to Muneeba. How uncool! Even though this girl dislikes making mistakes in front of others especially those who seem superior than she is at school such as Laurel Marsden, Kamala had already done something really silly earlier today during PE lesson.Kamala escapes through the window with Bruno’s help towards the Convention centre.The best part is that I need not look too far for such an amazing costume accessory other than a bracelet belonging to some previous relative.

The first two episodes mainly focus on Kamala’s culture and religion. Being told off at home or in class, she draws stupid pictures with superpowers and even more exaggerated situations. Kamala should stop dreaming of becoming a superhero one day and start concentrating on her studies.She gets compared to Aamir (Saagar Shaikh), her pious religious brother always.Kamala’s other friend Nakia (Yasmeen Fletcher) wears hijab that covers the head, arms and legs for decency. There is an additional subplot involving their mosque where both girls try to change how women are perceived.This is all part of the campaign effort to make their lifestyle as normal American as possible. The only difference between these kids and others is just their cultural background since they are not the usual white male Christian protagonists.

It takes quite a long time before the superhero aspect begins. Even her powers seem contrived and not at all exciting when they emerge. Unfortunately Ms Marvel lacks some thrill.The show really has too much fluff going on for it that masquerades itself as eye candy.There’s a sneak peak of this very bracelet that tells us it will be the source of her power but then it disappears until climactic scene in episode one.

Ms Marvel starts awkwardly enough. This kind of thing bores teenagers who have nothing better to do than rebel against parents who are spoiling everything for them. For example, except for Islamic or Pakistani background traits, the characters can be found in any other series targeting young people with some pocket money.I will bet my life that when producing this film Producers were given a brief by Disney and Marvel executives.It’s like they wanted to tick every politically correct box without thinking about storytelling techniques however dull they may be.

To be honest, Ms. Marvel just needs to increase the pace and originality. I mean it’s clear that it’s a kids show but anything MCU-related is made for everyone! The remaining episodes should hopefully have some great vibes of creativity.

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