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A high-energy drama with Giancarlo Esposito as the main cast returns to AMC, featuring gripping supporting roles and an on-the-edge storyline. Parish is made up of six thrilling episodes that pass like a bullet train through the brain, based on The Driver; a British hit television series. A retired New Orleans thug struggling with money problems gets involved in a simple job without any strings attached after his best friend convinces him to do so.

The resultant tragedy places his family in peril for they’re fighting back from an enormous loss. This well-acted show has slick production values, vibrant costume design, and a multicultural embrace which make it great viewing with lots of twists.

At the opening scenes, there is frantic activity in New Orleans. Gracian “Gray” Parish (Esposito) appeared laden with worries. As owner of a luxury cab and black car service he was buried alive by debts. Gray worked out furiously at a punching bag, shaved using an open blade razor, and carefully dressed after getting out of bed quietly. He did not want to wake Rose (Paula Malcomson) or their teenage daughter Michaela (Arica Himmel). With much sadness in his heart, he briefly pauses at his son’s bedroom door before taking his cherished Cadillac outside; he runs his hands over every inch of its bodywork searching for dirt.

Nothing positive happens throughout the day for him. Financial institutions refuse to lend him money while his business partner warns that time is not on their side any longer. Dejectedly, Gray comes home only to hear more disturbing news. He doesn’t want Rose’s solution to their financial woes yet she insists on giving it anyway. Gray’s lifeless sleep was interrupted later into the night when someone sneaked into the place he knew would search first.

Colin (Skeet Ulrich) wears dark sunglasses and appears uneasy about something . Recently let out from Angola, a notorious prison in Louisiana, Gray’s best friend and former accomplice has a black eye. By operating as an errand boy for some Zimbabwean gangsters working in South Africa he survived. They have now moved their business to New Orleans where they are not satisfied with Colin’s input. A simple job requiring a reliable getaway driver is worth another chance for him. Parish knew this was going to be dangerous but the lure of easy money was too much so he backed out reluctantly before giving his nod to accompany Collin during his meeting with “Horse” Tongai (Zackary Momo).

Parish takes the viewer through worlds with fascinating yet often strained connections between characters whose lives are intertwining. Gray lives only for his family; everything that makes life worth living, however, becomes threatened when his business collapses. The economic hardship widens an emotional rift between Gray, Rose, and Michaela. They desperately want to forget about what is causing them heartache even though he refuses to talk about it plainly and openly. His son’s absence caused a void that can’t be filled by anyone else . It’s difficult for gray to deal with loss and grief leading him down an unhealthy path of obsession which has bad consequences. Esposito’s acting is perfectly complemented by Malcomson who played the role of a worried wife who knows something went wrong along the way.

Gray’s steadfastness to Colin is tested as the situation dramatically worsens into a crisis. Ulrich almost steals the show in his own hard-luck subplot, which explains both of their motivations. Colin can’t help himself, he’s an accidental train wreck. He fights self-doubt and a nagging feeling that he is cursed. His sincere efforts to help Gray pay off his debts and get back into good graces with his boss are vital to this personal flaw.

At this point Parish switches gear with a deep dive into intricacies involving intriguing antagonists. They are unwanted black immigrants rocking a corrupt city populated by established criminals. The detailed approach Horse takes counters that of his older brother who prefers using a sledgehammer or his sister who uses guile and cunning. Zenzo (Ivan Mbakop) may not like playing second fiddle but he has an unwilling admiration for Horse and loves Luke (Dax Rey), his young nephew.

In other part of the film Shamiso (Bonnie Mbuli) is as frightening as a tiger in the grass. Tongai siblings drive forward their secretive father’s dreams through Zimbabwean brashness. Their ostentatious attire, expensive jewelry, and refusal to be underestimated mask an underlying simmering enmity against lethal adversaries. Family ties amongst the Tongais entangle Gray and Colin in ways they could never have imagined even as events take an unexpected turn.

Eduardo Javier Canto and Ryan Maldonado, known for Chicago P.D., Tell Me A Story do excellent jobs disclosing facts little by little throughout series’ duration Show runners aren’t know until halfway through what the series covers This season also leaves many question marks even after all threads hang loosely until finale when all chess figures are put on board at once This initial crime case does not give gray any clue about what it means to him or accomplish its target He must unearth more sinister details when what began as the hope of simply driving from point A to B, becomes vastly more complex. Nothing is what it seems.

Every episode ends with a cliff hanger and there’s always visceral violence and stunning car chase scenes. There are no phony Fast & Furious CGI here. However, there is some inconsistency in terms of the whole timeline. The whole series happens within one high-action week. That doesn’t really make sense as days blur into nights but that’s beside the point. Esposito is truly fascinating when you get involved with him

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