Good Night Oppy

Good Night Oppy
Good Night Oppy
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On June 10, 2003, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched its first Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Opportunity followed three weeks later. The rovers were initially set for a mission period of 90 Martian sols, the equivalent of 92.5 Earth days. Oppy went on to survive another 15 years exceeding this objective by thousands of sols. Consequently, they changed our knowledge about Mars. They marked a significant scientific breakthrough by discovering signs of liquid water there. Good Night Oppy is an exhilarating account from the view point of a group that groomed it into being real life experience . It is a fantastic and emotionally charged retrospective set with incredible footage, stunning visual effects as well as groovy pop music score which delivers the goods in spades! Words taken from NASA wake-up songs used to start every morning on Mars.

First Ryan White introduces Steve Squyers a documentary film maker who happens to be the principle scientist for this rover mission when doing his series about him. Steve was an earth walker who became bored with trekking everywhere on earth’s surface. He always desired adventures that would see her travel across galaxies above all else.. Steve was shown photographs of Mars taken by Viking orbiters sent there by NASA.The photos showed clear-cut signs, like river channels and beds for instance.A geologist can become insane after being denied funding by NASA for nearly ten years just because he wanted to send robots that will prove whether life can be supported on mars or not.

Good Night Oppy shows how this project begun using amazing US Government footage right at its conception stage when it was merely an idea that needed financing before reality occurred through process of production. Ohio farm girl Jennifer Trosper grows up in rural Ohio and becomes one of America’s finest aerospace engineers.The team began with nothing but paper and pencil drawings.Why are we doing this here? What’s needed to get there? These scientists were also ardent fans of science fiction literature,Star Trek and the famous film Short Circuit where Johnny 5 made an adorable robot hero.They decided that the rovers should look like human beings. They were 5’2 in height with big eyes like a normal person.

The second part of this movie is about the difficult construction problems and engineering challenges that had to be met in order to safely land on another planet. NASA should have attempted it again after Viking failure. Steve’s interview throughout is very emotional.The public will never forgive a billion dollar failure. This would probably mean the end of any future Mars exploration programs if it happened.The sequences which capture sheer anticipation as well as anxiety for space shuttles taking off are truly captivating. The first problem was achieving safe space travel.Amongst other things, both rovers reached space through it before they even started their interplanetary odyssey since tears began to flow

White (The Case Against 8, The Keepers) wisely avoids technical minutiae. He cleverly shows how the team dealt with unexpected problems like a massive solar flare. There was an interval of few weeks between landing of these rovers on mars after six months long voyage.A bullet fired from Los Angeles can hit a doorknob at Buckingham Palace might sound similar to what one engineer said about this as stated in Engineer comments .navigating Mars is tough challenge.These two robots landed at different points across its surface and had to endure extreme cold plus violent dust storms.Rover drivers would spend hours planning every tiny move then wait agonizingly ten minutes for rover confirmation.

The stress, frustration, and eventual triumphs of the rover teams are captured by White. Angela Bassett reads Spirit and Oppy’s daily diaries. It succeeds in making them come across as warm individuals. We see them like their creators did- as children guided through wondrous terrains. The rovers were cherished. Hundreds of people gave up decades of their lives for these instances. This is the film’s most loved trait. Machines on another world are damn impressive but there is something about human intellect, imagination, and pure determination that is just awe-inspiring to look at. This was a heart-warming piece.

Spirit and Oppy got what they were looking for. It also expertly captures and edits the sheer jubilation of discoveries made. I cried my eyes out from it all up until now when a few more tears roll down my cheeks as I am writing this sentence here in front of you with one eye wetted by its contentedness.Mars was not always this barren rock.It had already appeared earthlike for millions of years before then.Above those various interviews comes a strong message.Therefore, life is an invaluable commodity that doesn’t have assurances.We should do everything in our power to prevent Earth from meeting Mars’ fate.

Good Night Oppy’s sound and visual effects were mouth-opening.It gives an awe-inspiring reality to the rovers and Mars. The renderings we see and hear are exact.Space And Time renders Mars into the smallest possible detail.The feeling that comes after watching it is both familiar and alien.Directed by Steven Spielberg, one scene stands out where Steve seen close-up images related to Martian soil for the first time which was much different than he expected.He never even imagines it coould make him cry.Witnessing a man’s dream coming true.Absolutely powerful moment resonates towards stars.

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