You Have No Idea

You Have No Idea
You Have No Idea
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Alexander Jeffery made a film called You Have No Idea which is filled with stories about Beth James Burns and her son Evan James who has autism. The documentary’s title speaks to me because of having a relative with autism; thus, parents and other relatives of people living with autism are going through daily as the subtitle indicates. This movie simply provides us an opportunity to have a little peek into their world and the problems they encounter.

Beth and Dennis James were only expecting to have a child that was not sick. When he was born Evan seemed normal, but over time it became apparent that he had autism. They also found out that all families with autistic children are not on the same journey across life therefore they had to act quickly for him to develop as best as possible. Beth and Dennis never intended for them to be defeated. Autism at Evan’s birth in the 1990s wasn’t even talked about, there were hardly any resources for it, no “how-to” book fit Evan’s case.They started by teaching Evan how to talk and ask for things like specific toys or food.

Getting Evan to communicate would take more than an overnight fill; instead it required some days, long hours and assistance from friends in doing so. Even after all these efforts by Beth and Dennis, growth continued to put up on Evan only leaving him more matured. They came up with one very important fact about this boy’s development…this is true of every child diagnosed with autism amongst other things. Each kid has his own way of upbringing which should be discovered by parents while walking together with him through his journey.Evan’s dad falls ill with leukemia testing us further upon that theme ‘You Have No Idea’.With time passing Elaine becomes alone caring about Evan who ages fast.

Raising a child with autism is always difficult till death comes calling, isn’t it? The name “You Have No Idea” can’t be missed! Whenever we might want to commiserate with Beth, her strength and love for Evan come through. Parents are not alone facing this challenge as showed by the experience of Beth. The Jameses are also a religious family which has its moments of divine intervention.

The best part of You Have No Idea is Beth and Evan. How anyone could not fall in love with Evan is beyond me. He really loves his mom and he has such a big heart! He made a picture and storybook about his dad dying that we read together one night. When he shared words about the death of his papa from what was drawn by him, it became an emotional blow to me.

Beth is nothing short of amazing. She loves Evan, but you can just feel how sorry she is trying to balance between taking care of Evan (which almost means her whole life) and having a personal life. Years later she bumps into Paul Burns whom she was friends with before Dennis died. They fell in love and now they were left with Evan who had grown up so fast amidst other children belonging to Paul’s large family members.

It is the advocacy of You Have No Idea that aims to sensitize people about experiences of parents with autistic children. The story behind the documentary, through Beth and Evan, is one of resourcefulness. With her methods being explained in detail by Beth and then their efficacy highlighted as well, we get a clearer understanding and feel closer to her efforts. For instance, how Evan went through grief after his dad passed on and how she makes him grow into an individual who’s becoming independent while still being there for Evan in case she ever died.

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