THE Review
This documentary is about a father’s unrelenting fight for justice for his 13-year-old daughter, who was gang-raped by a brutal group of men.
“Already I must fight till the end. Whatever happens!” Ranjit, the father of a 13-year-old daughter who had to go through a horrific gang rape says in one of the most poignant moments of the film. The statement also summarizes the tone of this documentary and speaks volumes about his determination to seek justice for his raped daughter. It’s not common to see fathers standing up to such odds and even their impoverished conditions as displayed here. A highly emotionally challenging watch, ‘To Kill a Tiger’ is makes all the more significant by its makers choosing this as their subject matter and portraying it through him, an economically disadvantage man who eventually comes out on top. The documentary does what it can in shedding light on a serious problem like rape which usually goes unnoticed. Until it makes international headlines though they always get swept under the carpet.
‘To Kill a Tiger’ reveals how Bero district in Jharkhand was shaken by an awful incident involving gangs in 2013. It involved three boys brutally raping a 13-year-old girl following a marriage event whereby one of them happened to be her distant relative. Against all odds and despite being poverty-stricken himself, Ranjit showed so much bravery while seeking justice for his child. With courage and determination supported by Srijan (the local NGO), he won against all odds when the local court sentenced those three people accused. At that time for twenty five years imprisonment after ruling in favor of her.
The director Nisha Pahuja has dealt with the subject matter very sensitively avoiding sensationalism just for sake of it. There are three major subjects within this documentary; Srijan – an NGO that helped Ranjit take them to court, victim’s family members and accused family members too. All the members of Nisha’s family and most of Srijan come forward. But not many voices from the accused got record. We do hear the father of one accused only once. The documentary does well to show us how much Ranjit’s family had to face in their pursuit for justice. Some suggest marrying her off to one of the accuse just so that the family would not be ostracize by society. Whilst others called for leniency taking into account that these were young offenders.
‘To Kill A Tiger’ this documentary is a sad reflection on gender inequality in our country today. Cases such as these are hard evidence that social equality remains elusive despite economic gains made over time. It is also a reminder that any real progress must attend to such concerns as this one here. Also It captures this through its story about rape, while still ending up as an inspiring film. It will be hard for viewers not to have empathy for Ranjit. And his plight while watching Amit Singh, an employee at Srijan, shedding tears. After hearing the verdict reached by the court room in this sweet moving documentary. There will be moments when you can’t help but cry along with it. And you just feel like being there as part of it all because it is very powerful.
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