Robot Dreams

Robot Dreams
Robot Dreams
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My soul is warmed by Robot Dreams, a deeply emotional cartoon about the value of friendship and how much it is missed when it’s gone. A dialogue-free adventure film for the new millennium developed by Spanish filmmaker Pablo Berger who brings you back to the early ‘80s Manhattan in all its bustling day-life glory. The toes will be tapping to Earth, Wind, and Fire’s classic “September,” which offers an uplifting hit parade for a groovy soundtrack. It was a movie about those having difficulties in establishing personal connections honestly. Loneliness can feel like carrying weight that is unbearable but finding someone special pushes away dark clouds to let rays of sunshine through.

At night Dog sits watching TV in his Manhattan apartment. He flips through hilarious infomercials with a sigh until he sees an advertisement for AMICA 2000 robot that really catches his eye. And so dog picks up the phone and dials excitedly on its 800 number intending to get himself a mechanical best friend as soon as possible. Several days later he gets even more excited when he receives a huge cardboard box.

Meanwhile pigeons were gathering on his fire escape to watch Dog fumbling with some assembly instructions? Robot wakes up cautiously only to find out that he has no idea what is happening around him yet . Everything that he sees or hears becomes another encounter experienced for the first time in this world . In East Village streets filled with variety of New York City life Dog took him outside , then they went uptown by subway train where they roller-skated along Central Park’s roads . Unknown power appears when Robot whirls dog like hurricane causing people around to laugh over their heads and raise their eyebrows at such scene . At one moment Dog feels happy being afraid of nothing while sitting next to Robot on couch.

Unfortunately, their trip to Coney Island takes an unforeseen turn. On busy boardwalk Dog and Robot have lots of fun together too. They eat hot dogs, ride the roller coaster and lie under umbrellas on the crowded beach, but it is the ocean that really interests Robot. Although they did have a lot of fun snorkeling and playing in the water, this was quickly marred with Robot short-circuiting upon exiting from it. Dog quickly puts his dear friend down in the sand and runs back home to grab his toolbox. To his amazement when he comes back later that afternoon, he finds out that the beach has been closed until June next year.

Robot Dreams takes two divergent paths after Robot gets stuck at the breezy ending of its first act. We see how hard Dog tries to get his friend out of this mess. Obviously you would think going to a beach and picking up Robot by dog would be easy but no way is this even close to being true. At that time Robot is also involved in some incredible interactions though it cannot move . Some are completely harrowing while others simply give you something amazing to think about . Therefore , robot day dreams about what is happening around it outside hence the name of this movie.

Berger (Blancanieves, Abracadabra) adapts Sara Varon’s celebrated children’s comic with stupendous artistry. The visuals for Robot Dreams are great too! With all their CGI-produced blockbusters, its 2D hand-drawn style makes for a refreshing change. By using Berger’s approach of 2D hand drawn animation instead fills every inch on screen with subtlety as well as nuance everywhere.. For instance Dog and Robots excursions have serious backgrounds full of vibrant colors.. In real life New York City streets teem with all manner of bizarre people. From subway drummers’ animals banging away to ducks flying kites in Central Park everything here just oozes hipness.

Berger’s emphasis on precise portrayal of the historical setting gives more sentimental reflections. One can’t help but feel sad when the Twin Towers stand tall in all their glory over the city. The characters, while using coins to access mass transit and putting cassette tapes into Sony Walkman have also brought smiles on my face from ear to ear. Robot Dreams nostalgically depicts a past era with ardor. 80s had plenty gadgets but they did not have electronic leashes like those of today coldly wireless dependent ones. It seems that Berger is playfully making fun of modern life.

Robot Dreams grounds the animated style of narration employed by Azuma. Robot may be somewhat mechanized; however, Dog and other supporting characters are tragically human in their messages. This is crucial as Berger probes their abhorrent tragedy of separation. The way Dog must deal with law enforcement and frustrating bureaucracy reflects honest truths — we’ve all been annoyed when external factors make resolving a simple problem a nightmare. Even worse, both Dog and Robot ache for what’s been lost after they found happiness together then chance cruelly tore them apart.

The real issue at hand is how we handle each other personally as humans. In his script, Berger explores darker aspects of bullying, exploitation and meanness. Berger puts Dog and Robot through tough times but they are never overwhelmed by sadness. There’s always room for hope amidst these daunting tasks. The movie succeeds in achieving deep greatness which made it earn an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Film in 2024.Robot Dreams leads to a surprising and thoughtful conclusion without uttering a single word. A true friend will always know what’s best for your own good. The ending has a sustained quality energy reminding us about “September” sung by Robot with joyous glee coming out its chest

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