
Home » Chevalier

Bologne is an incredible movie that narrates the amazing life of Joseph Bologne, a mixed-race son of wealthy slave and plantation owner who became famous for his art before the French Revolution. Despite being faced by extreme racism, Bologne (Harrison Jr.) was superb at playing violin, piano, and fencing. He was noticed by Marie Antoinette (Boynton) because of his unique talent as well as ambition. However it was his romantic relationship with married opera singer Marie-Josephine de Montalembert (Weaving) that rocked Parisian society. Chevalier is a beautiful period drama with good performances. It exposes the intelligence of a truly extraordinary person who has been deliberately excluded from history.

Joseph’s eyes are fixed on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Prowen) as he wows a group of privileged theatre-goers in attendance with his violin virtuosity. Applause turns to astonishment when the Black beginner walks onto stage in friendly contestation. The scene shifts to ten years back when Joseph’s father leaves him at an elite school. That racist head teacher doesn’t allow bastards into his school especially if he/she is mixed-race. It turns from loathing to adoration when Joseph starts showing how good he can play the violin. They let him inside but there will be no second place for him in anything whatsoever. Afterward, bullies then get replaced by respect born out of intimidation.

Marie takes Joseph’s hand after a daring exhibit and parades triumphantly through the crowd that has gathered around them for this purpose only; she then makes an announcement which leaves them all flabbergasted.It is during this time that St-Georges begins nurturing ambitions of becoming conductor for one among many prestigious Parisian opera houses.Marriage supports it but not others in attendance.Marie-Madeleine Guimard (Driver), however, fails to take rejection lightly; she sees red when Joseph now turns his attention to Marie-Josephine (Weaving).

In pursuing his amorous advances, Louis Philippe (Fitzalan) warns Joseph of the need for caution. His wife, Marie Josephine (Csokas), is a fantastic singer and Marc René, the Marquis de Montalembert is her husband—a mean one at that.Condemning enemies on the battlefield – think about what he would do to a mixed-race kid who doesn’t “know his place”!

The chevalier sharply juxtaposes race and class inequities. The wealthy dine and drink while frolicking in their privileges.Though these parties may try to set aside peasants’ boiling anger it won’t ever produce any lasting effect. Instead of showing more lavish hedonism, director Stephen Williams takes us behind the scenes of a bloody coup.Joseph realizes that he might lose everything due to jealousy and prejudice against him by others, as well as witnessing first hand growing mass discontent.A life spent striving to belong where he was unwanted ends with acceptance from once marginalised commoners.

There are also some sordid subplots involving affairs, palace intrigue and political machinations. This means that Joseph is drawn to Marie-Josephine like a magnet.Other people see it too so there were some juicy rumors circulating around this which MarcRene didn’t tolerate.Meanwhile, whether based on ill-founded gossip or not, Marie Antoinette remains one of commoners’ worst enemy.However she does benefit from association with him until it begins hurting her own status.She cannot fraternize with an inferior racially person without tarnishing her cultivated image.

A remarkable range is shown by Harrison Jr., who shines in an encompassing performance. In fact Joseph was just better than anyone else at anything considered good.His talent knows no bounds both on stage as well in bed.But in turning away systemic oppression, pride and arrogance can never win. A nail that stands out has to be knocked back into place.The beautiful settings, costumes and illicit dalliances of the third act do not overcome its bitterness.

Harrison Jr.’s portrayal is extremely varied in a performance that covers all bases. Joseph is good at everything society considers worth admiring.He can’t be matched from bedroom to stage.But prideful insolence cannot combat systemic oppression. The nail that sticks up gets hammered.A frustrating last part takes away from great scenery, outfits, and scandalous sex affairs.

Chevalier, to a certain measure, is captivating. The story line isn’t exactly unpredictable but that won’t be a deal-breaker in this case. I had no idea who Joseph Bologne was before I saw this movie. He was not featured in any of the history books, I know him as an unknown contemporary of Mozart. In these classes, black figures such as him were not taught for reasons obvious enough not to be included here again. This movie will at least expose someone whose name should have been known earlier than now.

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