Blood and Gold

Blood and Gold
Blood and Gold
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It can safely be said that many people find it thrilling to watch films where Nazi’s are mercilessly beaten up to a pulp. This sub-genre of having Nazis killed has been around for ages, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Inglourious Basterds, Captain America: The First Avenger, Overlord, or The Green Room give the best examples of such movies. It’s simply awesome to see Nazis collectively raped by an enraged public.

Now with Sisu; The Wrath of Becky and the forthcoming Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny it seems as though this sub-genre has also come back in something like a fantastical way. Netflix has joined this trend through its new German film Blood and Gold which promises more Nazi killing fun. Fortunately, there is much more to enjoy about Blood and Gold than exceptional Nazi slaughter in one of Netflix’s finest action-packed releases.

Packed with some great action sequences, Blood & Gold is a blast. Its action, characters and writing will make viewers shout out with joy or gasp in horror on their seats’ edges. Stellar performances combined with simple yet engaging storylines made me love this movie so much. The movie doesn’t shy away from the pure evil that was at the heart of Nazism making its Nazi slaughter even more satisfying as a viewer. Do not miss Blood & Gold – a super exciting Hitler killing flick!

Taking place during early spring 1945 just before World War II ends, former SS Heinrich (Robert Maaser) tries running away from the war so he can meet his daughter who recently survived having Nazis bomb her house killing him mom and Heinrich’s wife in the process. They caught him though leading into his hanging for deserting them. He subsequently meets Elsa (Marie Hacke), who saves him when Heinrich is left by Nazis to choke on his own saliva at which point she drags him off onto her farm. The two share a deep hate for the Nazis, so when they come knocking on Elsa’s door, both of them seek revenge for their families.

Elsewhere in a nearby remote town, an SS army tries to loot Jewish gold hidden somewhere within the town. Soon enough, a bloody war over the treasure ensues with villagers fighting for their lives and also to keep the gold that they have struggled so hard to hide.

Typically Netflix does well with their own action films. Extraction, The Old Guard as well as The Night That Comes For Us are some of the finest action flicks from the last ten years but Blood & Gold carries on this etic by providing more of the same Nazi killing fun.

The actions in this film are just awesome. Brutal, we’ll choreographed, beautifully shot and edited; hence create several scenes that are not only amusing but incredibly smooth too. Over all other great movies with thrilling action sequences in 2021; Blood and Gold is one of them because everything about it is memorable but exciting or heart-rending almost every single scene whether small or huge.”

The shootout in the church is a jaw-dropping piece of action that is simply the best and most over-the-top. This scene perfectly blends big shootouts, explosions, and well choreographed fist fights. There are not enough good words to express how much fun Blood and Gold’s action was.

However, there are too few action scenes presented in the film overall with none of them really lasting for long. Blood and Gold takes its time to allow for character development that provides space and breathing room which ultimately makes the actions more pertinent with time since one becomes more worried about what happens to these people even if they are fictional characters. The fact that Blood and Gold allows its characters to grow and delve into why they have been hating the Nazis so passionately adds another layer of enjoyment to it as well as it makes it very captivating.

The story is simple, predictable but Blood and Gold gives its audience a lot to think about throughout this runtime. Unlike many other films where action seems out of place or does not add up, in this case it serves the characters’ relationships which is exactly what works here.

His back-story is incredibly sad, Heinrich lost his wife and son when his house was bombed while he was away fighting in a war. Thank God his daughter survived making him leave the war only motivated by revenge against Nazis now. Elsa’s own story is just as sad; she lost her husband during war thus leading her into building a strong relationship with Heinrich based on their common hatred towards SS.

Fortunately, Elsa doesn’t end up falling in love with Heinrich but rather sees him as her family or best friends (as Dominic Toretto once put across). This choice makes Blood and Gold look fresh again while also upping the ante for these two amazing characters. Despite being flawed heroes whose lives intertwine through a complicated romantic relationship we cannot get enough of, both are essentially badasses who stack Nazi bodies like cordwood, and that shit rocks.

Blood and Gold gets this, Nazis are pure evil. Within the movie the audience watch scenes where Nazi soldiers kill innocent civilians for fun, mock a disabled character named Paule (Simon Rupp), sexually assault Elsa, and make her marry Von Starnfeld (Alexander Scheer) who is SS General. These moments were hard to see but eventually prompted by their punishment for them they deserved it.

Paule finds a gun and mows down countless Nazis to get sweet revenge; Elsa throws boiling hot water on him… you know where; And let’s just say, it’s over fast with Elsa and Von Starnfeld. The satisfaction audiences feel when one of these characters finally gets back at another is one huge reason why Blood and Gold is so much fun. It’s fucking awesome!

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