The Machine

The Machine
The Machine
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Comedian Bert Kreischer is known for many things throughout his lifetime. This might include his nickname “The Machine,” or someone else might have seen him perform as a comedian who always somehow ends up shirtless. Recently, he has become more popular in the society, especially in 2019. In 2023, a film adaptation of one of his stand-up routines called The Machine is set to come out. Through using his brand of humor and style, this fictionalized movie takes the story beyond itself.

The Machine was directed by Peter Atencio and came about from a stand-up performance several years ago. The idea for the movie started with Kreischer, who was a Florida-based comedian and began doing this type of thing initially at Tallahassee’s comedy clubs and colleges before moving on to other places such as Gainesville and Orlando. The skit around which all this revolves is also called ‘The Machine’. Legendary Entertainment bought the rights to produce a movie based on it back in 2019 since it was inspired by Kreischer’s life during a specific period of time.

Bert plays himself in The Machine, along with Mark Hamill,Jessica Gabor,Iva Babić Stephanie Kurtzuba Jimmy Tatro . Kevin Biegel and Scotty Landes were both involved with the screenplay and writing process of the film.The movie comedy was filmed abroad in Serbia.There are some major competitors in its release on Memorial Day Weekend 2023 including Disney’s Little Mermaid thus; amongst others had its work cut out for such competitors who do not enjoy nor appreciate such humor.

For anyone who may not have already known Kreischer or what he does for work, there is an opening montage in ‘’The Machine’’ that serves as a crash course on all things Kreischer; magazine covers compilations provide references to his career while tweets and posts remind us about his clowning profession but most importantly they bring to mind that his popularity came about due to his Russian train story where he claimed that he helped Russian mobsteal from an entire train full of people. However, when a clip of him telling the same stand-up routine reaches Russia and is translated for the local audience there by localizing it, one among the highly placed gangsters wants Bert dead after he says that he stole someone’s watch in the piece.

Back home in America however, Kreischer’s movie incarnation is having problems with his domestic life. He has just started therapy and there is a big divide between him and his eldest daughter: as it turns out, he caused something that led the police to punish him and his daughter. But despite refusing to admit it, a failed family therapy session reveals how much of what Kreischer said was true while also bringing up another issue -his wife mentioning problems between him and his own dad which had heretofore not been raised during this same conversation at all.

Whereas the situation becomes more serious when Bert throws a huge sweet 16 for his daughter, which was not what she wanted. Things get worse later on when his father shows up and immediately digs up all of Bert’s messes when his father complains about how bad he is in making hamburgers at the grill. After shouting at Georgia and an individual from Russian mafia, Irina kidnaps him, his daughter and father and takes them to Russia. However, it makes her furious that Bert can’t remember where he took it or even how he took away her dad’s watch.

Most of The Machine occurs in Russia where many years ago Bert had studied as well as gained the moniker “The Machine.” It is sort of homecoming but then he has with him his dad whom they are have very poor relations, hence people marvel that this legendary Machine is him of all people. The story however unfolds differently from what audiences expect since one would think that due to his reputation for toughness; there is nothing else needs to be said except bloodshed as it appears throughout the film, while it brings out several other truths too.

It wouldn’t be fair to a movie about a comic reinterpretation of a narrative without some comedy in it; so The Machine does just that. He incorporates classic elements from some of Kreischer’s routines into the film itself; in one climatic action scene, shirtless Burt starts fighting against Russian mob members while downing vodka like he used to do as a young college student. This becomes more prevalent during scenes specifically aimed towards Kreischer’s fanbase coming in to see this movie.

Additionally, there is also comically intense gore that comes into play once Burt and Albert land in Russia. These Russian crime families take their roles seriously and consequently there are lots of flashy scenes involving guns fights knives etcetera. At one point someone gets decapitated with blood gushing all over Burt as he screams about it. The comedy is pushed to the limits in this particular situation where Albert and Bert are randomly captured during his daughter’s sweet 16, amidst at least a hundred party goers and taken over to Russia by the crime lord’s daughter in the first place.

Some of the jokes and gags work well with everyone while others might be seen as inappropriate or even male oriented. One can find some feminist jokes here and there in the movie, though they are not so good ones. At one time, Bert cracks an off-the-cuff joke on how Irina has autism due to her poor social etiquette. Several other jokes that come up within the story concern Kreischer’s weight or calling him fat, for instance when Russians compare him with their idolized version of The Machine. However, a few years from now some of these gags might not be well received anymore since things change quickly.

In an hour and fifty-two minutes, there’s no doubt that some things about The Machine are funny. It keeps a good pace, and there aren’t any particular scenes that seem to drag on forever. Nevertheless, among the wisecracks and jibes going on in the background, the best parts of the movie come out when they feel genuine. Even though it is fiction based on a true story, portions of Kreischer’s own life seep through it; these don’t appear as strange or outrageous.

Some key lessons can be seen throughout this film like Bert may learn how to coexist with his father again without hurting everybody in their minds completely. Bert’s journey to Russia in The Machine also represents a clear character arc that may have been more effective than therapy for him after all because his wife says that going back out and doing what he does might do more for him than sitting down with her psychologist. However will they leave feeling it is possible for them to heal every broken relationship by seeking help? Most likely not but it makes a good emotional story.

However much the movie might try being well-meaning in its emotional scenes and plot twists, it can’t escape from the problem of having a scattered plot. There are moments which are simply too convenient just meant for moving forward with the story even if it doesn’t make sense to do so. Despite starting off in present day when Kreischer has a family we’re taken back in time as soon as he begins remembering life in Russia as viewers. While his trip home is filled with nostalgia, how he managed to annoy his crush during his study abroad trip years ago could be misleading suggesting something else might happen here despite Bert being married.

The Machine might be based on a real-life story; however it only uses facts then bends them into something loosely based on whatever happened during Bert’s early adult phase. The acting is pretty well done throughout the movie especially when considering the younger version of Bert played by Jimmy Tatro (a great Jimmy Tatro), and Iva Babić, who plays Irina, a mafia boss’s daughter. There may be too much happening at certain points; however, The Machine is one crazy roller coaster ride that some viewers would find worthwhile going all the way through while others might not bother.

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