Point Defiance


Rating: 4.9 Out of 10
Release Date: March 15, 2019
Director: Justin Foia
Writer: Justin Foia, Timothy Foia
Cast: Derek Phillips, Josh Crotty, Lauren Elaine
Genres: Thriller

oveRVIEW – Point Defiance

Point Defiance brings the real-life story of the Bielski Partisans to life through an exciting thriller. It follows two brothers Peter Allen (Derek Phillips) and Alex Crotty who must confront their pasts by confronting a disturbing secret from each.

This film offers an intriguing premise and strong performances by its cast. Unfortunately, however, its second act loses focus.


Point Defiance centers around two brothers whose secret pasts come to light, featuring an incredible cast and slow-burning thriller with great acting performances from everyone involved. Any fan of suspense must see this!

Peter Allen (Derek Phillips), an online stock trader who lives alone in Tacoma, Washington. When his brother Alex returns home from Afghanistan after serving his tour of duty there, it changes everything for Peter and forces him to face up to long-buried truths about himself and the past.

While this movie does feature an engaging plot and intriguing characters, it also has some drawbacks. One major issue with it is that its plot takes predictable twists in its final act that can become frustrating to those looking for psychological thrillers. Although not necessarily bad in themselves, they do serve to dilute any potential thrills for viewers of psychological thrillers.

The other problem with the film is that it attempts to do too much. It attempts to be both thriller and drama at once, which can be challenging and leads to too much confusion in terms of plot. Phillips and Cotty stand out as strong performers though!

Cinematography in this film is stunning; with stunning landscape shots that add suspense, and effective soundtrack that builds tension to create a sense of foreboding – plus stunning pacific northwest visuals!

Overall, Point Defiance is an engaging thriller with incredible acting and cinematography that stands the test of time. However, some minor flaws prevent it from being an all-time classic; though enjoyable enough for most audiences it might not be essential viewing for all. Although flawed in places, its narrative remains entertaining viewing.


Point Defiance’s stellar acting is one of its hallmarks, with Derek Phillips and Josh Crotty giving fantastic performances as two brothers who can barely tolerate each other. Their onscreen relationship feels genuine; you could almost be fooled into thinking they were truly related! Their interactions are both passive-aggressive and hostile – clear signs they harbor considerable animosity against one another.

The film is stunningly shot, using breathtaking Pacific Northwest landscape as an incredible setting for its story. Slow panning and zoom shots add tension, creating an exhilarating viewing experience. Additionally, its lack of bloodshed makes it appealing for those seeking thrillers without too much violence.

Point Defiance is a compelling psychological thriller that will have you guessing right up until its thrilling climax. The actors excel at creating characters who are both complex and relatable, as well as producing tight yet believable dialogue. Unfortunately, its only flaw lies in becoming somewhat predictable towards its conclusion.

Unfortunately, Point Defiance Zoo announced on January 8 that Herald, their final peacock resident on property, had been humanely put down due to health reasons. She had long been featured as part of shows alongside Rocket the Lion.

Point Defiance is an engaging must-see thriller, boasting outstanding acting and a taut narrative that hits all the right beats. Though not perfect, Point Defiance is definitely worth your time; though some twists may be predictable even for inexperienced genre fans; this doesn’t take anything away from what is an otherwise stellar film! Both acting and cinematography in Point Defiance were amazing – making this an essential viewing for fans of thriller films alike!

Point Defiance, despite its simple premise, is an engaging thriller that will keep audiences engaged until its dramatic climax. Additionally, this movie boasts good acting performances and an intriguing mystery; unfortunately though it becomes rather predictable over time.

Derek Phillips and Josh Crotty co-star in this psychological thriller about two brothers with a past they’d rather forget. Peter Allen (Phillips), an online stock trader living in Washington overlooking Commencement Bay in an idyllic home overlooking Commencement Bay is content in his life until Alex (Crotty) arrives with an ankle bracelet and court order in hand at his house with plans of his own – something which puts everything back on its course.

Both brothers are compelling characters in their own right and both actors do an outstanding job with their roles. There’s some chemistry between them and they interact to reveal longstanding differences and longstanding resentments between them – with Peter tending to be more subdued than Alex who tends to be more assertive; filmmakers do a good job at building tension among siblings.

This film is beautifully shot, boasting impressive cinematography. There is some blood but it is not overly graphic; however, some genre fans might find its plot too predictable and twists less than surprising; overall however, this thriller may not appeal to everyone.

Though Edward Zwick’s film of the Bielski Partisans may have already been told before, its fresh and exciting take stands out as being unparalleled. Capturing both war’s brutality while maintaining human relatability makes this an impressive piece of work.


The soundtrack of this movie is an essential part of its narrative. Filled with lively, high-quality folk punk that keeps listeners’ minds active and their hearts content, its songs stand out due to being memorable and enjoyable to listen to; their band members possessing distinct sounds which makes their songs memorable and enjoyable to listen to; its energetic music provides the ideal background music for any event or party!

Point Defiance is an entertaining thriller that gets many things right. Its engaging premise and talented cast of actors keep the viewer engaged throughout its run time; however, its final act falls flat due to predictable plot points and twists which are too obvious to miss.

This movie is an engaging thriller, but not for everyone. The violence may be too intense for children and the story could become too dramatic for some viewers. While not the most exciting flick out there, this one does feature some good action sequences and offers an enjoyable climax.

Derek Phillips and Josh Crotty give outstanding performances as brothers in this film. Phillips portrays an approachable, relaxed character, while Crotty takes on more aggressive, psychologically wounded characteristics. Their dynamic pairing works perfectly, creating a great atmosphere of tension between their roles.

In its opening 30 minutes, this movie provides an engaging mystery. Unfortunately, thereafter it becomes very predictable with an anticlimactic ending; nonetheless it remains worthwhile viewing as it offers some surprising twists and surprises.

For more movies like Point Defiance, visit Fmovies

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