
Home » Nocebo

A British fashion designer suffers from an unknown ailment which can only be cured by a Filipino nanny with shamanic powers. Rather than being a supernatural thriller as intended, Nocebo holds no water as it lacks any fear factor. In the first act, the film conveys its intentions to the audience in plain language. In the narrative you quickly comprehend what is happening. But your patience is tried for ninety minutes until the characters catch up. It’s an erratic approach that takes away all the scares.

In this film, Eva Green plays Christine who is energetic and successful at designing clothes for children. Mark Strong co-stars as her marketing consultant husband Felix while their precocious daughter Bobs (Billie Gadsdon) resides with them in their sprawling London home. The tragic call comes to Christine when she is hosting an occasion. She sees a mangy dog full of ticks behind a curtain. One of those ticks burrows into her neck and she screams before realizing she’s hallucinating.

Eight months later, Christine’s health has taken a different turn. She experiences memory loss, seizures, and agonizing pain symptoms among others. Her doctors have no physical illnesses to treat her for.The delusions continue to haunt her life.She really thinks everything is in his mind.It was Diana who knocked on it now (Chai Fonacier).

Christine does not recall hiring a Filipina house help however.Felix feels annoyed he wasn’t asked about it.Diana does some cooking and cleaning but also offers more than this.She can offer traditional medicine based on folk remedy and spiritual guidance to Christine.This immediately achieves results.It relieves Christine much to her delight but Felix still has reservations on it all.Diana carries dark motives as well.

Nocebo refers to ill-health that is resultant from psychological or psychosomatic factors. Christine may bear huge burden upon herself but there is something more about this diagnosis.In parallel with Diana treating Christine’s illness, flashbacks occur. Diana’s history in Philippines leads her to Christine’s house.The film’s structural choices are problematic here.This is not a saintly figure.Diana coming out of the blue with a touch of healer should raise concerns.Felix has misgivings but allows Diana to stay on inexplicably.There is never an attempt to scrutinize or investigate her occult practices.It is another bad horror trope where supposedly intelligent people make stupid choices.

They intended to address the issue of unsafe labour conditions in third world countries by using supernatural elements in their work (Vivarium, Without Name). This film wanted to send that message across. They can afford cheap products made by foreign laborers who suffer abuse. It does not matter if you wear trendy clothes at the expense of mistreated workers. Capitalism lacks regard for humanism as it does not care where wealth comes from. The filmmakers take this fact on board too bluntly.

Taking Nocebo as an example, Green was permitted to fully utilize her immense talent. She makes a living through playing troubled characters. From attractive businesswoman to wretched despair within minutes, Christine rapidly changes. Her trembling limbs, haunted eyes and desperate look carry the story forth. You believe she is being torn apart by something treacherous.I had fun with the obvious plot though I admired Green’s physical and emotional performance.

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