
Home » Hunted

The Most Dangerous Game’s premise gets a twenty-first-century update with a socio-economic twist. There are young art thieves who are being hunted by elitist aristocrats in Hunted. The film swings from gripping and relevant civil commentary to brainless horror tropes. Good parts explore fundamental differences to poverty and inequality. Previously, the characters would rob for their school fees. Avarice drives them into a life or death situation. Their rich pursuers on the other hand want harsh justice when many criminals go scot-free. There was meat on the bone for thoughtful discourse, but Hunted falls prey to foolish and predictable plot turns.

Vix (Hannah Traylen), Leon (Nobuse Jnr), Chaz (Malachi Pullar-Latchman) together with his younger brother, and Tod (Ross Coles) lead a nighttime burglary mission. They make off with their prize – an expensive painting; however, they nearly get caught upon return of homeowners into the house. Payday comes handsomely from their art dealer fence, Gregory (Larry Lamb). He’s got much more lucrative prospects waiting on him at this point in time.Leon declines.They will walk away from it all.

Leon’s choice doesn’t sit well with his crew because he wanted money for Chaz’s education and it has been gotten as desired for him.Chaz supports taking the next job.He argues that if they did this right, they could steal enough money to change everyone’s lives.This is reluctantly agreed to by Leon.Gregory shows them an enormous mansion located deep within the English countryside where it can be found.They’re looking for a relic dagger.The break in goes too easily.Leon feels something is wrong.His gut feelings tell him so after being knocked out by electric prod.

They wake up bound and gagged inside of a truck before being thrown violently onto grassland.Fox urine bottles are emptied over their bodies.She stands over them triumphantly. Katherine Redwick (Samantha Bond) is gleefully at the front.They are non-consenting participants in this cherished family tradition. The captives are stunned to be cut loose. They immediately race into the woods. Leon realizes that they’ve been set up.A trumpet sounds off far away. Then, barking dogs and horses galloping follow.The hunt begins.

Should there be any sympathy for Leon and his gang’s predicament? They are thieves who have achieved their initial objective. Unmitigated greed is what has brought them to run for their lives.They wanted money without working hard enough.Death may seem a harsh punishment but no one forced them into the hands of Redwicks.

Hunted portrays hunters as proud enforcers of class divisions.Above society they cherish their birthright status. Peasants should only work as servants or labourers.When poor people steal from high-ranking superiors, they become “lambs to the slaughter.” Killing chase while donned in red jackets, astride powerful horses and wearing black hats make these aristocrats’ heart beat fast.Katherine and her despicable family cross the line when it comes to dialogue with excessively posh remarks.

Hunted loses track completely during second act.What had been a gripping chase devolves into sheer stupidity.Leon’s gang acts illogically when presented with easy rescue.It’s akin to bumbling teenagers running blindly in the dark from monsters.There is a scene where they find a phone but inexplicably do not use it.The excuse…why call the cops when they could be arrested.Jail seems a better choice than a funeral to me or just simply anybody else.Ignorance abounds even as Hunted loses its promise of insightfulness and provocation.

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