Come Out Fighting

Come Out Fighting
Come Out Fighting
Home » Come Out Fighting

Black soldiers’ courage and heroism during World War II are showcased in Come Out Fighting. This distasteful racism, the soldiers had to face at home, manifested itself on the battlefields of Europe during the war. The Black Panthers may refer to this film which is a fictionalized account of the 761st Tank Battalion. They participate in a hunt for a pilot who has been brought down as well as an officer who is missing behind enemy lines. Nevertheless, some true companionship moments are obscured by low-budget special effects, suspicious editing and ill-defined general Nazi bad guys. Though it meant well, Come Out Fighting fails to be inspiring or cinematic.

On his P-51 Mustang fighter Lt. Frank Ross (Kellan Lutz) checks how much fuel remains in his tank. He’s practically empty now! His wingman Lt. Mike Rawlings (Andrew Stecker) also finds himself in similar circumstances. When they spot a German supply train ahead of them, though, they decide to terminate their reconnaissance mission here and then. The pilots destroy the enemy obediently but don’t see a Messerschmitt jet that is speeding towards them.

Meantime not too far from this spot Lieutenant Robert Hayes (Hiram A.Murray) leads a Black combat engineer squad. Their assignment involves blowing up minefields and clearing a path for advancing troops through them.AJ ‘Red’ McCarron (Michael Jai White), Sgt., observes they always end up being left at rear after having done those dangerous things at front.Hayes is told by one white officer that the sector ahead had been scouted.He discovers the lie as Nazi tanks ambush them.

Hayes takes command against the onslaught; he suggests Red for promotion to officer status; and Major Anderson brings him glum tidings: “Captain Hayes fell into their trap”… So you will go back immediately with him to division HQ for briefing maybe reprimand. Red is left in bitter command.

Hayes’ journey does not go far. The Germans strike once again and destroy the convoy. Red’s men hear their radio plea for assistance, but Anderson cannot authorize a rescue mission.Red will not leave Hayes behind. He gets a valuable reinforcement with Sgt. Warran Crecy (Tyrese Gibson) entering the picture.The 761st soldiers and their tanks have been thirsting for war.

Come Out Fighting also works on a personal level. In this regard, Hayes, Red and their loyal men are each other’s backbones above all else. They are spat on and continuously disrespected by White soldiers who think they are better than them.Hayes’ accomplishments have been stained by prejudice through false accusations made against him.This is totally believable since he would rather violate an order than to leave his dear friend to die alone.These scenes remind of how utterly despicable our treatment was while fighting under American colors as second class citizens.

Steven Luke (The Last Son, War Pigs), writer/director has reunited with Murray and Lundgren after submarine thriller Operation Seawolf.This is not Luke’s best work in the WWII genre either.The CGI special effects do not look real at all.If fighter combat looks too computerized there can never be any real tension.There might be an issue with budget constraints here but that plays into scope and expectations.Luke wants it grand.He uses willing suspension of disbelief as crutch for flawed big action.That doesn’t work when the soaring open feels like you’re playing a video game.

I felt torn about Come Out Fighting.The portrayal of brave Black soldiers by Luke was commendable.Most people have forgotten or deliberately ignored what these African Americans did during WW2.It therefore would be appropriate if their story is told.A weak vehicle sadly makes up this movie though.

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