The movie, “Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie,” puts SpongeBob SquarePants’ beloved neighbor and anthropomorphized genius squirrel on an adventure with all his friends. Carolyn Lawrence, who has been voicing Sandy for 25 years with a drawling Texas accent, plays the part of a supremely silly rescue mission which is intended for young children and devotees of the series. There are these silly moments in between when so many inappropriate steps are taken; very funny songs then get you giggling time and again without knowing what to think about such nutso plot. Duh! Newcomers may not comprehend anything whatsoever amidst this chaos, but that is alright.
So here’s a quick overview. In Bikini Bottom lives a squirrel scientist called Sandy Cheeks (Tom Kenny). She has to wear deep-sea diving gear like crustacean critters, starfishes etc., so she can breathe underwater. With her robotic horse Sparky by her side, she is a skilled fighter in karate whose main interest lies in learning as much as possible and inventing stuff at will. To break it down for you quickly, we find out during the lightening fast opening that when Sandy came to study the marine life forms of Bikini Bottom like others that lived there before her (she was from B.O.O.T.S., Bureau Of Official Texas Science), she became one of them.
Sandy’s day starts off badly when an enormous metal claw lifts up all of Bikini Bottom out from under water. People try running away in fear while the mechanical device clamps down only to have Sponge Bob escape along with Sandi herself who saved him from his terrible plight. A clue indicates B.O.O.T.S. carried off Bikini Bottom. In addition, Sonic realizes now that the lab has become an aquatic theme park instead. Thus he grabs Spongebob on board and they decide to catch a flight to Texas, Galvaston. What the heck is going on at B.O.O.T.S.? Meanwhile, Sandy doesn’t know she has been tricked by the evil new owner of the building. With this in mind, Sue Nahmee (Wanda Sykes) aims to commodify the people of Bikini Bottom but particularly wants SpongeBob for her sinister machinations.
The movie Saving Bikini Bottom blends seamlessly between CGI and live action characters. Each frame of the film is filled with many activities. It’s easy to overlook the time and talent that goes into creating such intricate visual effects. Since they started out with this show Nickelodeon have come a long way; their production team has improved since their first animated feature film, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, followed by Sponge out of Water and finally this one where they really got it right. A notable scene shows Sandy and Spongebob riding on a tornado as an escape from famished varmints from Texas as well as state troopers.
This is also where we meet her circus family who travel around in a camper van. Craig Robinson plays Pa Cheeks while Johnny Knoxville is his brother Randy who can use a lasso and Grey DeLisle does voiceovers for all other acrobatic squirrel members of Cheeks’ family. Whenever Sandy needs assistance there is always someone available at the drop of a hat
B.O.O.T.S is the point at which Saving Bikini Bottom loses narrative focus after the squirrel crew and SpongeBob finally arrive. If you ponder over her stupid plot, your IQ will definitely drop. The second act of Tom Stern (An American Werewolf in Paris) and Kaz, creator of Kamp Koral and The Patrick Star Show, lacks imagination thus making it a slow part that almost results in a pacing breakdown. Useless filler equals bad jokes adding more time to the film. The live-action lab assistants (Ilia Isorelýs Paulino, Matty Cardarople) come across as trite while attempting physical comedy.
However, the CGI leads retake control of the storyline with some much needed hilarity at exactly the right moment. The climax rectifies this situation by going all out SpongeBob. He isn’t really significant until this point when he becomes more pronounced as SpongeBob can never be held down for long. An eruption of oddity is what makes his character so charming. Henceforth, SpongeBob’s weird AF idiosyncrasies take over the screen with their infectious personality storming through it all. For these events to occur, one would think that those filmmakers were on some sort of magic mushrooms trip or even worse – they’re insane! This is crazy but in a good way; it boggles my mind opening my third eye towards what happens next. It’s hard not to get mesmerized by how absurd everything is becoming before eyes throughout its entirety. Luckily there’s an über-intelligent squirrel around.
This type of film might not be everyone’s cup of tea; far from being universal entertainment it appeals to certain audiences without any reservations whatsoever… If you are not a child, an avid follower of SpongeBob Square Pants or any other person who has taken hallucinogens just stay away from this movie because it is not worth your time at all… There was no thought put into it whatsoever. It begins as an absurd comedy and largely fulfils that mission.
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