Channing Tatum and a rowdy Belgian Malinois will play emotional notes on your heartstrings like violins. A road trip across America starring an unlikely couple is the plot of Dog. The movie deals with serious subjects such as post traumatic stress syndrome, reintegration of war veterans into society, and most importantly, what happens to service dogs when they are retired from active duty. It’s very dramatic but has its funny moments. This dog film will make you laugh, cry and hopefully adopt some fur heroes.
Jackson Briggs (Tatum) is an ex-Army Ranger who now lives in Montana. He sustained brain damage while serving in Afghanistan. To survive, he holds down menial jobs in the food industry. His desire is for employment as a contractor working for private security companies though he needs Captain Jones (Luke Forbes), his former boss to validate his application for that position. Briggs keeps pestering Jones to write one until something special comes up.
His unit member Riley Rodriguez died in a car crash recently. At the funeral in Nogales, Arizona his family would like Lulu his favorite service dog present with them for this occasion since they find it comforting at least seeing it one more time before they bury their son. If Briggs takes Lulu from him Jackson will sign the papers required by the contracting company. Then take her over to some local army base where she can be put into sleep permanently forevermore… She bites people; rips everything apart at slightest noise; runs away within seconds or minutes if not controlled and according to military she is a dangerous animal unfit for any duties of hers even related to her past activities within US Army units.. Brigss accepts the job offer and puts Lulu in his old Ford Bronco leading them both on a unique adventure.
War veterans suffer from great difficulty reintegrating themselves back into civilian life after experiencing horrors of combat zone (not just PTSD). Such can also be said about their service animals. PTSD affects both Briggs and Lulu. It takes some time for Briggs to realize he’s got the same disease dog does. As an animal, she can feel pain, loss, and need for affection like anyone else. The moments when they begin bonding emotionally are memorable. Dog serves as a reminder that these creatures should not be left behind for good; their blood cannot be dismissed as simply bred-for-purpose then discarded.
Amusing secondary characters feature in Briggs and Lulu’s journey. Enroute, Briggs wants to party or get laid whenever possible; fast realizing that looking after Lulu was a full-time job in itself! Channing Tatum is a physical comedian at heart. He gets beaten up pretty bad while chasing Lulu around her wild behavior patterns. There are also scenes where they get caught in absurd situations which make them grow closer together as friends. There are times when Briggs learns when Lulu is uncomfortable – teaching moments filled with tenderness.. Probably everyone will cry seeing the movie’s Arizona part. The funeral of Riley is one of such poignant images.
The plot of Dog is pretty straightforward. Lulu and Jackson were made for each other from day one so there’s no question asked about it throughout the entire movie to challenge this union or anything similar would meet audience revolt and resistance against such idea could be disastrous… This film wants to show how important help animals are after battles end because these dogs will remain companions who can bring comfort into soldiers’ lives by being real friends during their hard post-war days… Dogs are known as human beings’ best friends forever always providing them sincerity and love without any limits and conditions so people however should know that they have to do vice versa – take care about those who keep staying beside us all our life unconditionally loving us until the very end…
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