How well acquainted are you with the Iran hostage crisis? Do you recall elucidating on its particulars in school? Are you of such an age that you can say you are an eyewitness of the events? For the majority of us, the simple response would be some rough details at some time American hostages were taken in Iran and then released. So what? There is no issue with that. That is surely wrong.
The improvement began in the winter of 1979 when irate students disabled the American embassy in Teheran capturing 52 Americans as hostages. At the time of the Iranian revolution, there were US nationals who were taken hostage for 444 days before a failed resuce was made for them, and the hostitages were finally freed after a Miilitary rescue operation in January 1981. It does not relate to those 52 hostages.
Instead Argo narrates the tale of six Americans who managed to flee the embassy and were whisked away to the residence of the Canadian ambassador for embroilment in the formulation of the destitute server in a espionage operation which washed the country clean. Inturning to an illustrative episode, in which the events future have earned the nickname, Argo covers a Mystery, but the last was part of Heavy and Vain the story trend “Deteriorating Relations between.
Unbelievely, their story to justify the escape attempt claimed that the American’s where in Iran location scouting for the film Argo. In order to accomplish the background, all of it was fictional, including the CIA establishing a fictitious film studio company, recruiting real craftsmen and craftsmen, and even going as far as persuading Iranians security officers that a pack of US diplomats were actually a film crew.
With the stakes this expansive however making and maintaining tension is now of utmost necessity. The opening ten minutes of Argo depicts the angry students storming and invading into the embassy looking for diplomats. It is simple, and emotionally comprised, and highly engaging. Unfortunately enough, at such pace, Argo does not afterwards again build up to such level of intensity and tension, which probably is the most catastrophic flaw of the movie.
Argo is the third film that Ben Affleck has solely directed in cinema space, and after the roaring tanking earning debut of 2010’s The Town, as structural whodunits go into period action-drama may appear uncomfortable but it actually isn’t such a big leap. The story is simply amazing; it’s captivating, touching, witty, full of intrigue and unfortunately, some lives are lost . The movie, however, tackles only the task and limits themselves to the essential information of the characters and larger scope of events. While it is definitely inspired by such thrilling events that took place, it is most definitley not a film being about that. Argo, like The Town, is actually another one with criminals in it only this time we rob a country. It takes joy in the business of executing this unbelievable called “job”, instead of paying attention to the rest.
Including that in the review, this film can arguably still be tight and tautly pulled. This is because the film takes on a lighter approach more comedy than the material warrants. While it is not exactly in which one would place it under the Oceans 11 series, it is not that much off. There are times when the film is potentially better than most unfortunately the better version is not really apparent. Also perhaps it dampens the appeal of this kind of story since the audience already knows how it’s going to end.
Still, in the case of the film Argo, one cannot get away from emphasizing that performances were excellent right through. The audiences gets a clinical view of Tony Mendez played by Affleck who serves as the chief operative of the CIA. By far he is the most developed character in the movie. It isn’t difficult to buy him as a man who is stuck in the middle of something nasty. Among these, there are some very good character actors including Alan Arkin, Bryan Cranston, Kyle Chandler, John Goodman. The film certainly doens’t suffer from lack of talent; you’re just left wishing most of them had more to do.
There are things worth watching like this among the other moments of this cinematographical piece, for example the sequences located in Hollywood, and John Goodman as lovable John Chambers. A Hollywood wizard as good as any other, John Chambers shaped the faces behind the original makeup of the Planet of the Apes as well as the pointy Vulcan ears of Leonard Nimoy in the first Star Trek television series. These touches are the most known and the most cheerfully executed episodes of the film. There are fun moments, like the glimpses of Golden Age Hollywood where everybody’s favourite Galactica Cylon extras sneaks out for a smoke in the middle of filming, or the poorer half of the ruined Hollywood sign that adds some fun in the picture but the disconnect of this with the scenes in Iran is bizarre. As fun as these touches are, they just further diminish what tension there is to be had in the other parts of the film.
What can be said about the movie Argo is that it is made to accomplish what it is attempting but this is not exactly trying the main epic. There are practically no surprises and it is good, if only a little strange, report about what is not said. There are simply questions interested in what this could have been having somebody other than Affleck standing behind Argo.
At last, it is impossible to omit the contextual comparisons which are evident in Iran today. Every individual will have a personal interpretation of how the world has changed, or not, and that will affect the way you will enjoy this film. Argo strikes a very relevant chord in light of changes within last year’s UK embassy in Tehran and this week’s breaking off of relations with Canada. Argo adds to one of the ongoing relations puzzles between the two nations of America and Iran.
Argo certainly is a movie that cannot be brushed aside no one quite easily the interesting moments should be enough to carry you over. But a film of this nature, on the subject, with this cast – such a film in potency could have been a thousand of times better.
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